Monday, March 19, 2007

Exercising After Childbirth to Get Back in Good Health

Childbirth is a very taxing process for a woman to go through. Although it usually produces a beautiful new child, it can leave the woman feeling completely exhausted. This doesn’t just go away after one night. Women who have gone through childbirth often feel physically exhausted for a long time afterwards. So if you have recently given birth, you should incorporate an exercise regimen into your daily life. It will help you to get back in shape after the experience, and remain healthy despite the enormous physical strain that you have undergone.

Walking is one of the best exercises for women who are recovering from childbirth. It isn’t too physically taxing, but it gives the heart and body an essential workout. You can walk a short distance or a long distance, and either one of them will accomplish wonders for your physical well-being. Even if you just get up and walk around the house a few times with the new baby, you will likely be slightly tired out afterwards. You can slowly start walking further or faster every time, until you are able to graduate to more arduous exercises.

After you think you have gotten to the point at which walking no longer helps you, you can start jogging. You have to start at a very slow pace and only jog for a few minutes, and work up gradually. It may even be a good idea to run two or three times a day, in very small amounts that increase every time. If running isn’t your thing and you prefer some other aerobic activity, you can do that instead as long as it is a good amount of exercise to get you back where you were before.

The recovery time is different for every woman, but after a few months you should definitely be recovered from childbirth. If you still feel weak or out of shape, you should talk to a doctor and make sure you are doing everything right. If you have strained your body after the ultimate strain of childbirth, you could need help from a physical therapist to get back on the right track. Just make sure that you take action and get the advice you need.

1 comment:

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